KRM SM-P Soladrill

The latest development in the KRM range of tine drills, featuring pressurised hopper, full ISObus control and SM coulters with high pressure and extra clearance for direct or minimum tillage drilling.

SM1909 Coulter
The SM coulter has a narrow rigid tine which is angled forward to pull the tip into work. Each coulter acts as a "mini sub-soiler" creating a fine tilth and moving residue sideways. The seed is then delivered into the turbulent soil behind the narrow tine. The soil below the seed is loosened and aerated by the action of the tine, roots can therefore freely grow down into moisture giving a well established system to support plant growth. The tine is tungsten carbide tipped for maximum life even in the hardest conditions.
Evenly spaced over four rows with a 40cm stagger, the SM coulters are able to handle large amounts of surface trash without blockage, ideal for direct drilling into chopped residue.

Standard Features

The pressurised tank of the SM-P has a capacity of 2000 litres for improved work rates. With external distribution heads the hopper is uncluttered so that cleaning down between seed types is quick and easy. The fully sealed weatherproof lid ensures no air is lost from the metering unit via the hopper. This means that maximum efficiency is achieved ensuring metering and distribution are optimized. The pressurised hopper also maintains seed flow from the hopper to the metering unit even when working on slopes.


The Ares-P is built as a fully ISObus compatible machine. All drill functions are monitored and controlled via an ISObus terminal. Electronic metering is a standard feature, allowing seed rates to be adjusted on the move. Furthermore the drills are all ready for VRT sowing and headland auto on/off via the ISObus system..

For non-ISObus tractors KRM are able to supply an ISObus head unit and wiring harness.

The central metering unit offers precise control of sowing rate from 2 to 400kg/ha and ensures even seed spacing. Three rollers are supplied as standard with the drill, fine, normal and large ensuring optimal settings for all seed types. The electrically driven metering unit meters seed into a high speed air stream from where its distributed to the individual coulters. Where required, 1/2 width shut off is achieved by using two individually driven metering units.
The tramline valves are mounted directly on to the distribution heads at the back of the machine. Red pipe is used for the coulters which will stop seeding on a tramlining bout allowing for easy identification. When tramling the valves close and the quantity of seed being delivered from the metering unit is reduced slightly to ensure the correct seed rate is maintained across the rest of the coulters. As standard two shutoffs are used per wheeling, three can be specified to accommodate large/flotation tyres.
A new calibration system has been developed for the SM-P which speeds up and simplifies calibration. Metered seed is blown to a conveniently positioned container. Once the weight of seed collected had been entered into the ISObus head unit, the metering unit automatically adjusts to deliver exactly the required rate.
The following harrow of the SM-P features one row of swept tines and one row of straight tines to ensure a level seedbed. Each row can be independently adjusted for angle. The maximum working depth of the harrow can be adjusted as can the pressure on the tines.
Heavy duty, shear bolt protected markers leave an easily visible mark. The angle of the large diameter marker disc's can be adjusted to ensure a clear mark is left in difficult seed beds. The tramlining sequence can be set to advanced automatically when the operator moves the markers or when the drill is raised/lowered. In the park position the rear fold markers remain tight to the side of the drill preventing damage and allowing drilling right to the field edge. Drills can also be supplied without bout markers.
The sowing depth is set centrally using two ratchet adjusters. The parallel linkage design ensures equal depth across the four rows of coulters. The coulter frame also has 4 depth wheels, two on the front and two on the back, these wheels allow the frame to follow ground contours. To ensure accurate setting all the depth wheels are fitted with a depth scale. Adjustment is simple to do and a clamp locks the wheels in the set position.
Optional Extras
twin metering

1/2 Width Shut Off

All SM-P drills have two externally mounted distribution heads. Half width shut off is achieved by splitting the metering unit in two and driving each half independently. This removes the need for complex valve arrangements and ensures a clean start/stop when switched. When used with GPS the system also offers section control, switching off half of the drill to reduce over drilling on residual widths and in short work.


3+3 Track Eradicators

These heavy duty track eradicators are available as an option and recommend for min-till situations. The kit includes 2 eradicators to remove the wheelings of the drill (one each side) and 4 to remove the tractors wheel mark (2 each side). The angle of the broad eradicator foot can be adjusted as can the spring pressure. The eradicators are mounted on pins making depth adjustment straightforward and allowing easy removal when the drill is being used to drill direct.


Pre-emergence markers

Triggered automatically when the drill enters a tramling bout these markers with their big diameter scalloped disc's leave a clear mark for the sprayer to follow. The angle of the disc can be adjusted for an optimal mark and the width of them is easily tweaked. Symmetrical or asymmetric tramling can be accommodated.




Keith Rennie Machinery Ltd, Registered office: Clay Pit Lane, Bar Lane Industrial Estate, Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire,YO51 9LS
Tel: 01423 324221
Registered in England No 2050946 Vat No GB 431025309, e-mail
Fax: 01423 324355